MRL Materials Day & Poster Session

The MIT Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) will host its Materials Day Symposium and Poster Session on Wednesday, October 9, 2019. Students and postdocs are invited to present posters to materials industry researchers and the MIT community.

The symposium begins at 8:30 a.m., and is followed by a student poster session, beginning at 3:30 p.m.

>>See the full agenda and register here.

Recent advances in machine learning have increasingly been used in materials science research. Scientists and researchers are utilizing higher level computational methods to help leverage massive data streams of their findings for real world applications. The benefits of machine learning in materials science are vast and have completely changed the research arena. Speakers from industry as well as professors from MIT will be discussing their research, the specific challenges they have experienced and how using machine learning has led to new insights and breakthroughs.