October 9 is National Nanotechnology Day—the day that celebrates the potency of the world at the scale of one nanometer, 10-9 or one billionth of a meter.
Every year, we celebrate 10/9 to shine a light on the potential of nanoscale discoveries and innovations to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing society today. For Nano Day 2024, we invite you to travel to the nano age with a set of vintage travel posters. The destination? MIT.nano's facilities.
Located in the Lisa T. Su Building in the center of MIT's campus, MIT.nano's three main facilities—Characterization, Fabrication, and the Immersion Lab—allow researchers the ability to see, tinker, and visualize down to the nanoscale and up to room scale and beyond.
Characterization.nano comprises twelve basement suites specifically designed for nanoscale observation with low vibration and minimal electro-magnetic interference. Fab.nano takes up the center of the building with two levels over four floors of Class 100 / 1,000 / 10,000 cleanroom with capabilities spanning lithography, etching, deposition, diffusion, and wet processing. And on the East side of the building is the MIT.nano Immersion Lab, a two-story environment outfitted with software and hardware to connect the physical to the digital through data visualization, augmented and virtual reality, immersive experiences, and more.
On Nano Day 2024, we celebrate MIT.nano and the community of researchers at MIT who explore, innovate, inspire, and together, are working to build a better world. Click on a poster below to download as a PDF. If you're on campus, stop by the Stata Center to send a postcard from the nano age.
Happy Nano Day!

Poster illustrations by Meagan O'Brien.