IMMERSED IN: Archive in dance—May 10

Part three in a three part series highlighting student research projects.

DATE: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
TIME: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EST
LOCATION: Virtual on Zoom
SPEAKERS: Izzi Waitz, MIT undergraduate



A dancer wears ballet shoes and motion sensorsThe concept of how speaking different languages makes you think differently has been well studied and documented. However, there has been much less research on human beings' spatial languages and how trained movements affect a person's approach to navigating through, and interacting with, a physical space. This is what the dance archive project is hoping to achieve.

By collecting movement data from a plethora of subjects and dance styles, the MIT.nano Immersion Lab is not only creating a vast archive of dance, but also a database of spacial languages. Through personal interviews, we have been able to more deeply understand the dancer’s mental experience in combination with their physical movement, which we document using sensors. This seminar will explore our findings on spatial languages through our dance subjects, as well as look forward to the potential applications of this research for not only movement training, but also physical and urban space design. 


Izzi Waitz is an architectural designer whose interests lie at the intersection of architecture and dance. She is an undergraduate senior in the architecture department at MIT with a concentration in urban planning. The study and choreography of movement through space is a theme present throughout her work, and she was the lead for a dance research project at MIT.nano's Immersion Lab.

This summer, Waitz will be working with a dance company in Cologne, Germany to develop choreography and a performance inspired by the research and work produced in her time at the Immersion Lab. She will return to the Immersion lab in the fall to finish her research and produce a public exhibit based off of her movement research. 

about immersed

IMMERSED is a monthly seminar in which we explore the possibilities enabled by immersive technology and interactive experiences. Technologies such as motion capture, virtual and augmented reality, photogrammetry, and related computational advances bestow the power to gather, process, and interact with data from multiple modalities, providing unique insights and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations.

IMMERSED examines how immersive technology is shaping innovations across the sciences and the arts through a mix of lectures, demonstrations, and tutorials. IMMERSED is sponsored by the MIT.nano Immersion Lab, which provides space, tools, and a platform to connect scientists, engineers, artists, performers, and others through creative projects that bridge multiple disciplines.

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