Faculty profile style sheet

Name and title
Please use your official title. For example:

Associate Professor
Donner Professor, MacVicar Fellow

Academic department
Please write out the department name in full. Do not abbreviate. For example:

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Materials Science and Engineering


Department of EECS
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)

Research areas and special interests
The "research areas and special interests" statement is a brief 25-50 word paragraph describing your research interests. Do not personalize.


Superconductive nanodevice physics and applications; nanofabrication methods, processes, and tool-development for application to quantum computing and single-photon detection.


My specialties are in the study of the physical properties of organic and organic/inorganic nanocrystal composite thin films and structures, and the development of nanostructured electronic and optoelectronic devices. I am also interested in the applications of nanostructured materials in large-scale technologies.

Postdoctoral associates, graduate students, undergraduate students, visitors, and support staff
One name per line. For students and visitors, academic department affiliation should follow the name after a comma. If the student has a named fellowship, please indicate. For visitors, their affiliation should follow their name after a comma. For support staff, the job title should follow the name after a comma.


Donghyun Jin, EECS, Samsung Fellow
Xin Zhao, DMSE
Dennis Buss, Texas Instruments
Elizabeth Kubicki, Administrative Assistant


J. Prieto
Parag Deotare
D. Buss, TI
E. Kubicki, Admin. Asst. II

Review the publication formatting style. Only publications from July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, should be listed.

Theses awarded styles
The thesis should be sorted in a table by degree type, with formatting as shown below. Only include theses awarded from July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020. If there are no theses awarded to report, you may leave this table blank.

Degree, Student name, Thesis title

S.B., Firstname Lastname, Title 1
M.Eng., Firstname Lastname, Title 2
S.M., Firstname Lastname, Title 3
Ph.D., Firstname Lastname, Title 4

File naming convention for faculty profile
The faculty profile file should be named lastname_firstname.doc. Please keep file names in lowercase letters with no spaces.

Submit a faculty profile