Cavity–enhanced microwave readout of a diamond sensor
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
11 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. EDT
Erik Eisenach, PhD Candidate
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Overcoming poor readout is an increasingly urgent challenge for devices based on solid-state spin defects, particularly given their rapid adoption in quantum sensing, quantum information, and tests of fundamental physics. In spite of experimental progress in very specific systems, solid-state spin sensors lack a universal, high-fidelity readout technique.
In this talk, Eisenach will discuss how he and fellow researchers leverage strong coupling between an ensemble of solid-state spins and a dielectric microwave cavity for high-fidelity, room-temperature readout of nitrogen-vacancy centers. Using this strong collective interaction, they probe the spin ensemble’s microwave transition directly, overcoming the optical photon shot noise limitations of conventional fluorescence readout. Furthermore, they apply this technique to magnetometry, and show magnetic sensitivity approaching the Johnson–Nyquist noise limit of the system.
Attendees can join and participate in the series via Zoom. Meeting ID#: 860 986 455.