Sponsored by Bruker
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
6-104, Chipman Room
182 Memorial Drive (Rear)
Cambridge, MA
9:30-9:40 | Welcome to Bruker Technical Tool Talks |
9:40–10:40 | New AFM Modes for New Research - 2D, Functional, and Energy Materials |
10:40–11:00 | Extending Infrared Spectroscopy to the Nanoscale - From Sub-10nm Chemical Identification to Nano-photonics Research |
11:00–11:10 | Break |
11:10–11:40 | Nanoindentation: In Operando Materials Mechanics from Fundamentals to Performance |
11:40–12:20 | Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy - 3D Super-resolution, SPIM, Swept-field Confocal and Multiphoton with Optical Holography for Life Science |
12:20-1:20 | Lunch |
1:20-2:30 | Enabling Technologies: State-of-the-art and Next-Generation X-ray Sources and Detectors |
2:30-3:10 | X-ray Techniques for the Characterization of Nanomaterial Morphology: XRD, XRR, SAXS, nanoCT, CDI, Holography, PCS, XAS |
3:10-3:30 | X-ray Techniques for the Characterization of Nanomaterial Composition: µXRF, EDS |
3:30- | Adjourn |