November 3, 2014
Pedestrian Safety
Signage to discourage bike riding through perimeter walkways will be installed the week of 11/3/14.
General Information
Unforeseen condition: Existing Underground Utility Failure (activity item 5). Pathway at Bldg. 26 breezeway will re-open the week of 11/3/14. Thank you for your patience!
Main Lot – Installation of Construction Trailers:
- Utility work to enable the site for the trailer installation will continue over the next 2 to 3 weeks.
- Following the completion of the utility installation, the trailers will be mobilized and installation of phase 1 will begin. This activity will have duration of 3 to 4 weeks.
- Work associated with these activities will be noisy at times due to vehicle back-up alarms saw cutting for form work and general carpentry items.
Presidents Courtyard – Work Zone H:
- Installation of new fire protection line in work zone H is projected to start the week of 11/10/14.