2/13 construction update

Two week look ahead


Site map

Building 12 Demolition

Over the next two weeks, work is scheduled at the MIT.nano site to remove the bridge between Buildings 12 and 24. Some noise, dust, and vibration is expected. In the planning and execution of this work, crews are working to minimize these impacts.

Beginning Tuesday, February 17 the ground-level door on the south side of Building 24 (under the bridge) will be closed and will be available as an emergency egress only (dates revised from 2/12/15 community email). During significant demolition activities there will be brief periods of time when the door will not be available for emergency egress. Signs will be posted directing pedestrians to alternate egress doors. Updated emergency egress maps have been posted in the building as well. (On Friday we will post a map showing the closed exit to our construction updates page, link provided below.)

Steps in the bridge removal include:

  • Windows and concrete floors will be removed at either end of the bridge at Buildings 12 and 24. The concrete floor will be removed using jackhammers, which will create noise, dust, and vibration. 
  • In preparation for the bridge removal, the ground-level door on the south side of Building 24 will be closed.
  • The ends of the structural steel that connect the bridge to Buildings 12 and 24 will be cut with a torch while the bridge is held in place with a crane. Once severed, the crane will lower the bridge to the ground in one piece. Brief loud noise is expected when the bridge is removed from the adjacent buildings, along with minimal dust and vibration.
  • Once safely on the ground, the bridge will be broken down with heavy equipment, and the pieces will be removed from the site. Some noise and dust is expected.

Demo scope

Limit of demo scope 12/24 bridge connetion

restricted access

Building 24 restricted access

trenching photos

Trenching for 13.8kv services in work Zone B

duct bank

Installation of duct bank for13.8kv services in work Zone B

Chilled water pipe installation

Chilled water pipe installation work Zone E to F

Wire mesh install for chilled water concrete encasement

Welded wire mesh install for chilled water concrete encasement work Zone F

Trenching and lagging at Vassar Street work zone C

Trenching and lagging at Vassar Street work Zone C

Main lot expansion for Cambridge Fire Department access in progress

Main lot expansion for Cambridge Fire Department access in progress

Main lot expansion for Cambridge Fire Department access completed

Main lot expansion for Cambridge Fire Department access completed