Some of the MIT.nano staff and users talked to Heidelberg on Friday, September 4, on ways to make the MLA150 in TRL more resilient and reduce problems.
Heidelberg will help us make some software changes/updates in the next two weeks or so, which should reduce certain slowdown issues recently observed; for example, by avoiding longer-term data storage on the UNIX machine.
We will also check into alignment issues, monitoring temperature, and possibly using a software update to reduce room for errors. We’ll add a manual log for when users modify alignment parameters (to help us debug).
MIT.nano staff will put a temperature sensor into the tool soon, to add to the TRL weather station. ETA may be two weeks (looking to use a better temperature sensor than the TRL photo weather station).
Dennis Ward ran a test comparing exposure doses at 375nm for the two MLAs, on the same wafer, on Friday afternoon. The initial results (using picotrack on Si) were in agreement. If you experienced differences in dose between the two systems, email us at, so we can help debug and understand what substrate or process conditions create problems/differences. This will be be really helpful.