October 4, 2020
MIT.nano staff have received a couple of inquiries about how to claim gowning room lockers. Here is a step-by-step guide:
- First time in the week? Get gown and enter cleanroom.
- In CORAL: Find a locker & engage. (In TRL: Use Akrobins if lockers taken. What are the Akrobins? For TRL, due to limited locker count, we have extra plastic storage bins for users to store their gown in a bag instead).
- When you exit, store your gown in the physical locker having same # you engaged in CORAL.
- Write your name on tape to label physical locker.
Note the order: Enter the cleanroom --> claim CORAL locker --> use the corresponding physical locker.
More details can be found in last week's facility update.
If you run into problems (including getting frustrated by others not adhering to this protocol), email mitnano-feedback@mit.edu.
A couple of helpful tips:
- Never over-engage other users on the lockers.
- Please do not take a physical locker that is already claimed in CORAL, even if the corresponding physical locker appears empty (the user may be in the lab, or may have made some other error).
- Please do not pre-emptively engage lockers without being in the lab, it’s unfair to other users.
Please adhere to the gowning / locker protocol.
We take this very serious, and are monitoring CORAL for problems. If you overengage someone by mistake, no problem, but let us know (email us at mitnano-feedback@mit.edu) so we can help fix it. Otherwise, in cases of failures to observe the protocol, our approach is:
- 1st issue: email reminder, cc’ing PI for awareness
- 2nd issue: Zoom discussion with user and PI
- 3rd issue: notification to the user’s DLC Monitoring and Compliance Committee