New Temescal Evaporator

The new Temescal evaporator is nearly ready for operation and training at MIT.nano!

It accommodates 8” wafers and has eight large material pockets. We will start beta-testing with a subset of users over the next few weeks. Staff member Dave Terry will be in charge of the tool operation and training. He will be reaching out to beta-testers.

The initial materials, based on past eBeamAu usage, are: Ti, Cr, Al, Ni, Au, Fe, Al2O3, Flex. (Cr and Au will use a size adapter.) This material list will change over time, depending on shifting users’ technical needs.

Experienced users can be trained to change the Flex pocket material themselves. We may eventually designate additional pockets as Flex. Full training and ramp-up will begin in mid-August. We will have a Q&A / demo session for users at that time, along with more technical details and first results (tentatively August 22 at 2pm).

New capabilities scenarios we anticipate:

  1. Enabling users to transition out of the eBeamAu;
  2. Accommodating 8” wafers;
  3. Applications using low vacuum (<=1e-7) or long throw distances (~130cm!)… e.g. EBL liftoff and heat-flux sensitive depositions

As always, please reach out to MIT.nano staff or with any questions.