MIT.nano tool updates and timelines

Last week several users wrote in requesting tool status. Here is a quick list of important tools and their timelines. 


Chamber A went back online this week. Currently, work is ongoing to replace the RF generator for chamber B. That requires shutting the cooling water loop for the RF generators, which also takes chamber A offline. We tried using in-house generators to replace Ch. B's faulty unit, but the generators we have aren't compatible (wrong power rating in one case, and I/O cable mismatch on the higher power generator).  Part have been ordered from AMAT.

Installation may start August 24, and tool could be ready later that week.


The robot is not homing and gets stuck on something. This is not going to be an easy problem to debug. Thus, we are currently focusing on the other critical tools first (e.g. AME5000, AJA, Oxford-100), once those are solved will start to looking into the Concept1.

Likely the week of August 31 with status update on September 4.


The electrostatic chuck replacement parts have arrived from Japan, but scheduling the installation is currently a problem, due to Covid travel/scheduling restrictions into Massachusetts. This is not a remote-solvable installations, unfortunately. Thus, we have zero predictability, but unfortunately estimate it will take several more frustrating weeks.


The chamber heater TC was damaged from lab humidity problems in July, and a new one was ordered. It should arrive next week. Once installed, we should be up and running shortly after (maybe by August 21). We will schedule field service in case there are new problems. (see Oxford 100 below)

Oxford 100

Work continues on debugging the robot arms. Some details:

  • Week of August 10: replaced the motor control circuit boards, but the problem persisted.
  • Currently in the process of remaking the wire harness (field service had no drawings for it, so it’s taking a bit of effort).
  • Modifying the harness and the turntable with hopes of making future replacements easier. The existing tool design requires us soldering in the loadlock every time few months.
  • Replacing solder connections with Molex connectors can hopefully allow us to avoid this issue going forward.
  • By August 21, if this operation is successful, we can finally let the tool reboot (unable to do earlier because of the electrical problem caused by the cable). At that point, there’s more insight into possible new problems (or hopefully no new issues).
  • With both the 100 and the ALD both having a bad month, we’ll try to secure a field service date preventatively to get field service in quicker in case we discover more problems on one or both tools.
  • After all this upgrading of connectors, it should make the tool more robust and these repairs more reliable going forward.


A few new problems have shown up:

  • We replaced the Cryo Compressor with a spare unit. The spare was defective (no clue how many years it sat on the shelf), and leaked helium on install. Impossible to repair in-house.
  • Retrieved another spare unit, but found it to be incompatible with the FP wiring (single Phase 208 vs 3 phase 208)
  • Over the weekend (August 14-16), MIT.nano staff will contact the F/S engineer and bring him up to date. (He was scheduled to help us upgrade the PLC on the unit next week).
  • Right now, we are waiting on a quote for a rebuilt compatible compressor. As soon as that comes in, we will complete the necessary MIT paperwork. From that point we can receive the compressor in 7 days or less.
  • Install could happen on or before August 26. That puts the remote work with F/S on or about August 27.

September 1 is our estimate for earliest up-time on the tool.