October 3, 2014
Bldg. 13 Perimeter Site Fence
- Viewing windows will be installed over the next 2 weeks.
- Existing lighting along the north colonnade has been repaired.
Pedestrian Safety
- Convex mirrors have been installed at blind corners of walkway and at Bldg. 9/13 crossing.
- Installation of signage to discourage bike riding through perimeter walkways will be installed over the next 2 weeks.
General Information
Unforeseen condition – Existing Underground Utility Failure
- Work continues repair the unexpected failure of an 8” water line.
- See activity item 3 on the work zone map for reference.
Unforeseen condition – Bldg. 26 windows (west elevation)
Windows on the west elevation of 26 which were treated for acoustic mitigation have experienced and unexpected failure. We are working to resolve this and hope to re-open the pathway to Bldg. 24 in the coming weeks.
- Updates will be communicated to the community as more detailed information becomes available.