Nano Explorations: Superconducting nanowire electronics in magnesium diboride—Apr. 9

Superconducting nanowire electronics in magnesium diboride

Tuesday, April 9, 2024
11 a.m. — 11:45 a.m. ET


Emma Batson
PhD Candidate, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Emma Batson talk imageSuperconducting nanowires are used for high-efficiency, low-dark-count single-photon detectors that are sensitive into the near-infrared, as well as three-terminal logical devices that allow for on-chip readout of these detectors. However, their practical applications are currently limited by the low operating temperatures required by conventional superconducting materials. At 3 or 4 K, expensive and complex cryogenics are needed. Exploring novel materials with higher critical temperatures and switching currents will expand the domains in which superconducting detectors and electronics are useful.

Emma Batson will present on research advancements in the fabrication of superconducting nanowire electronics on magnesium diboride. The introduction of uniform damage by helium ion irradiation of the films enables detection in micron-wide detectors operating at up to 20 K, setting the stage for broader adoption of this technology. SEM and STEM analysis shed light on potential mechanisms and limitations of the irradiation technique. Next steps include improving the reliability and scalability of the fabrication process through adoption of encapsulation techniques, reactive ion etching, and comparison of the performance of epitaxial versus sputtered magnesium diboride films.

Attendees can join and participate in the series via Zoom. 

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