A reminder of the upcoming move of EML & TRL photo / wet bench capabilities, as announced earlier this summer:
Ending on August 1: Coater-EML, photo-hood-EML, SolventHood-EML, TMAH-KOHhood (basically, no more wet chemicals on the fifth floor of Building 39).
Ending on September 1: varTemp, hotplates and ovens in TRL, coater, SolventHood-TRL, photo-wet-*, Greenflo, acidhood (remains operational for tube user pre-cleans), asher-TRL, TBM8, nitrEtch-HotPhos, and oxEtch-BOE.
Only on a case-by-case exception basis can processes continue using the acid hoods/RCA/piranha beyond those dates. Exceptions are for users who require wet benches for tools remaining in TRL/ICL (e.g. tubes).
Please continue to move your processes to Building 12 to minimize disruptions to your work. Adjust your processes and submit to PTC, or ask MIT.nano staff for help in choosing the right substitutes if not sure. Email mitnano-feedback@mit.edu with any questions or concerns.