MIT engineers developed a tag that can reveal with near-perfect accuracy whether an item is real or fake. The key is in the glue on the back of the tag.
Applying a small voltage to a catalyst can increase the rates of reactions used in petrochemical processing, pharmaceutical manufacture, and many other processes.
MIT spinout Elicio developed a vaccine based on a lymph node-targeting approach first developed at the Koch Institute. Phase 1 solid tumor clinical trial results are promising so far.
Innovative AI system from MIT CSAIL melds simulations and physical testing to forge materials with newfound durability and flexibility for diverse engineering uses.
Marc Baldo, Jacopo Buongiorno, and Hsiao-hua Burke, along with 13 additional MIT alumni, are honored for significant contributions to engineering research, practice, and education.
At the ASM Materials Education Foundation’s 2023 Undergraduate Design Competition, seniors Louise Anderfaas and Darsh Grewal design a super-strong aluminum plate for applications such as planes and cars.