Fast-tracking the search for energy-efficient materials Doctoral candidate Nina Andrejević combines spectroscopy and machine learning techniques to identify novel and valuable properties in matter. January 30, 2022
Tiny materials lead to a big advance in quantum computing Using ultrathin materials to reduce the size of superconducting qubits may pave the way for personal-sized quantum devices. January 27, 2022
Vibrating atoms make robust qubits, physicists find The new qubits stay in “superposition” for up to 10 seconds, and could make a promising foundation for quantum computers. January 26, 2022
Physicists discover “secret sauce” behind exotic properties of a new quantum material New work on superconducting kagome metal will aid design of other unusual quantum materials, with many potential applications. January 21, 2022
Encapsulation as a method for preventing degradation in Li-air batteries Discovery allows scientists to study crucial intermediate in battery development. January 20, 2022
Reasserting U.S. leadership in microelectronics MIT researchers lay out a strategy for how universities can help the U.S. regain its place as a semiconductor superpower. January 19, 2022
Controlling how “odd couple” surfaces and liquids interact Spread out or bead up? A new process enables control over liquid-solid interfaces even with the most unlikely pairs of materials. January 17, 2022
Cleanroom as classroom Undergraduate classes provide hands-on introduction to nanotechnology and nanoengineering at MIT.nano. January 14, 2022
Overcoming a bottleneck in carbon dioxide conversion Study reveals why some attempts to convert the greenhouse gas into fuel have failed, and offers possible solutions. January 11, 2022
Physicists detect a hybrid particle held together by uniquely intense “glue” The discovery could offer a route to smaller, faster electronic devices. January 10, 2022