All Events

[CANCELLED] What's New in Nano Tools?

Join us for talks by experts from JEOL on Advanced Applications of Microscopy (SEM and TEM), Auger, NMR, and Mass Spectrometry!
6-104, Chipman Room
182 Memorial Drive (Rear)
Cambridge, MA

ZEISS LSM 880 with Airyscan Roadshow

Department of Biology and Zeiss present the ZEISS LSM 880 with Airyscan roadshow. Learn more about Airyscan technology for fast and gentle confocal imaging technology and applications. Informational seminar and demonstrations. 
November 6, 2017 - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT & Bruker AFM Lunch & Learn/ FastScan Workshop

MIT Nanostructures Laboratory in collaboration with Bruker Nano Surfaces presents a Lunch and Learn seminar of their Nano surface imaging and characterization capability using Bruker technological innovations that are revolutionizing how Atomic Force Microscopy is used in Materials Science research.