Visualizing cement hydration on a molecular level Imaging technique could enable new pathways for reducing concrete’s hefty carbon footprint, as well as for 3-D printing of concrete. June 7, 2021
New drug-formulation method may lead to smaller pills Chemical engineers have found a way to load more drug into a tablet, which could then be made smaller and easier to swallow. June 7, 2021
Engineers create a programmable fiber In a first, the digital fiber contains memory, temperature sensors, and a trained neural network program for inferring physical activity. June 3, 2021
Accelerating AI at the speed of light Yichen Shen PhD '16 is CEO of Lightelligence, an MIT spinout using photonics to reinvent computing for artificial intelligence. June 2, 2021
3D printing tiny parts for big impact Professor Nicholas Fang’s startup Boston Micro Fabrication uses a novel light-focusing method to make ultraprecise printers. June 2, 2021
Phonon catalysis could lead to a new field By selectively heating specific phonons without heating the entire material, researchers have enhanced ion diffusion in a way that could have broad applications. May 28, 2021
How metals work together to weaken hardy nitrogen-nitrogen bonds Study yields clues into how nitrogenase, an enzyme critical for life, converts nitrogen into ammonia. May 27, 2021
MIT baseball coach uses sensors, motion capture technology to teach pitching Visualization software and hardware could offer new possibilities for coaching and sports training. Read more at MIT News. May 26, 2021
Startup improving chemical separations wins MIT $100K competition Osmoses says its filtration membranes can make gas and vapor separation much less energy-intensive across multiple industries. May 24, 2021
Materials breakthrough enables twistronics for bulk systems SMART findings allow a new way to control light emitting from materials. May 24, 2021