2025 NNCI Etch Symposium

NNCI Etch Symposium @ MIT

We extend a warm invitation to participate in the 2025 NNCI Etch Symposium at MIT. This event, scheduled for June 16-18, 2025, is organized by the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI), a network supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

If you are interested in being a sponsor and/or exhibitor at NNIC 2025 please email mitnano@mit.edu.


This symposium brings together students, post-docs, engineers, and scientists with the goal of fostering the exchange of information and building connections within and beyond the NNCI community. This year's theme is.... 

About the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure

The NNCI comprises of 16 central facility research sites and collaborates with 30 universities. Dedicated to micro- and nanoscale electronic and photonic device fabrication, and biological research, NNCI provides comprehensive resources, including advanced equipment and specialized expertise.