Two-Phase Laser Diode Cooling and Contact Stress Sensors: Applied Research and Development Employing Microfabrication

Jack Kotovsky, Ph.D., MIT MechE BS, MS, Micro and Nanotechnology Section Leader at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will give a talk on work that explores liquid-vapor phase change heat transfer in microchannels to offer significant advantages for thermal management of high heat flux laser diodes, including reduced flow rates and near constant temperature heat rejection.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Themis Z G3 installation completed

Installation is complete for the Themis Z G3, an ultra-high resolution, aberration corrected, scanning transmission electron microscope that enables low-damage, high-sensitivity imaging and chemical analysis of inorganic and organic materials at the nanoscale in 2D, 3D and 4D. 

Growing MIT.nano: a community update and conversation

MIT.nano will hold a community update and conversation on Wednesday, February 12 to share what's happening at MIT.nano. Join us at 1 p.m. in 34-401 to learn what's been accomplished during our initial year of preparation and find out what comes next!

Note new time and location.

This event will also be webcast. Learn more and RSVP.