IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge—Apply by Dec. 1

Apply to the PKG Center's IDEAS Social Innovation Challenge, MIT's social entrepreneurship program with a 23-year legacy! Collaborate with community partners in teams to address complex social and environmental challenges. IDEAS convenes weekly during the spring semester to nurture your skills as a holistic social entrepreneur and systems-led innovator, offering grants of up to $20,000. Teams must be led by a full-time MIT student and can have teammates from anywhere in the world.

Deadline: December 1 at 11:59 p.m. 
Learn more & submit your proposal

MIT.nano Building 39 Freecycle Event—Nov. 9 & 27

MIT.nano is cleaning out the former lab spaces in Building 39 and we are looking to redistribute surplus equipment and supplies. We will host three MIT community giveaway days over the next few weeks:

Thursday, 11/9, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Monday, 11/27, 1:00PM – 3:00 PM

Stop by Building 39 and see what might interest you!

2023 MIT Research and Development Conference—Nov. 15 & 16

Join the MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) for the 2023 MIT Research & Development Conference. MIT’s new President, Sally Kornbluth will share her vision of MIT’s future, and we will hear from the leadership of MIT’s 5 schools and 1 college on what is currently a “hot topic” within their school as well as what is “warming up.”  We will explore many of those subjects more deeply in our technology tracks in Energy, Biotech, Materials, Manufacturing, Mobility, and Fintech.

Read more and register