Innovation at the Food-Logistics-Materials Nexus—Nov. 9

Infrastructure forms the backbone of modern society, and as challenges related to sustainability, efficiency, and security arise, innovation in infrastructure becomes even more crucial.

This webinar presented by the MIT Industrial Liasion Program (ILP) will bring together esteemed faculty from MIT's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to discuss cutting-edge research and developments in three intertwined areas: Food, Logistics, and Materials.

Read more and register

Social Impact Funding for IAP—Apply by Oct. 18

The PKG Fellowships program supports MIT students working on capacity-building social impact and community engagement projects. Students work with community-focused organizations including non-profits and social enterprises. These can include a student's own social enterprise.

Applications due October 18 at 12PM!

Read more and apply

Announcing the 2023 Dresselhaus Lecturer: Prof. Angela Belcher

MIT.nano is thrilled to announce the 2023 Mildred S. Dresselhaus Lecturer: Angela Belcher!

Belcher is the James Mason Crafts Professor in the Departments of Biological Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The lecture will take place on Monday, November 13 at 4PM — Save the date!