New CorSolutions microfluidic test station at MIT.nano

The new CorSolutions microfluidic test station has been set up inside the soft lithography cleanroom at MIT.nano. A set of two pneumatic and two peristaltic channels allow users to drive up to four inlets with precise pressure control and flows in the micro-liters per minute.

IMES Founders Lecture: Germs, T cells, Dewdrops and Genes

IMES Founding Director Arup K. Chakraborty, PhD, will cover two topics in which research at the interface of science, engineering and medicine can be fruitful, and aid humanity.

1) Infectious disease-causing germs.
2)The regulation of genes that play a critical role in maintaining cell identity.

Wednesday, October 30
4:00pm – 5:00pm

The talk will be followed by a reception in E25-330.