All Events

Education & workforce development for the U.S. microelectronics industry workshop—Feb. 3

MIT, SUNY, and RPI invite you to take part in a workshop focusing on the challenges in the education and workforce development pipeline for current and future microelectronics manufacturing and design in the U.S.  This workshop will examine current semiconductor education efforts – what has worked, where we are falling short – and how the U.S. can innovate to expand, diversity, and better prepare the semiconductor workforce.

Read more and register.

Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) 2022—Jan. 25 & 26

The Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) is a long-running event celebrating the scientific achievements of students and staff pursuing research at the frontiers of micro/nanotechnology at MIT. Co-hosted by MTL and MIT.nano, MARC brings together students, postdocs, faculty, and industry partners.

This year, MARC will be held virtually on January 25–26, 2022. Register here.

IAP 2022: Hands-on Fabrication on Zoom—Jan. 24

During MIT's Independent Activities Period (IAP), MIT.nano will offer a hands-on fabrication demo over Zoom. Join Assistant Director for User Services Jorg Scholvin in the cleanroom to learn about thin-film deposition, lithography and etching processes at the micro- and nano-scale—and how to combine these techniques to build a semiconductor device.

January 24, 2022
4 PM - 6:30 PM EST
Register here.

IAP 2022: Mission innovation program dual-use ventures: Navigating both commercial & defense markets—Jan. 19-21

From the MIT Innovation Initiative, this non-credit IAP course helps technology startups navigate early-stage challenges in market research, use cases, and federal funding opportunities. It will provide insights into navigating federal funding opportunities while working within the commercial marketplace so that tech founders go from $0 in revenue to $1,500,000 in defense contracts over the course of 24 months.

Read more and register.

IAP 2022—Introduction to Blender: Modeling, materials, and simulations; register by Jan. 8

During MIT's Independent Activities Period (IAP), MIT.nano will offer the class "Introduction to Blender: Modeling, materials, and simulations. This session is designed to give you the resources and skills to create your own 3D models that can be applied to game design, architecture, simulations, animations and more.

Registration deadline: January 8, 2022. Event capacity: We have five workstations, ten BYOC (Bring your own computer) is an option.

IAP 2022—nanoStories: Workshop on science communication at the nanoscale; register by Jan. 3

During MIT's Independent Activities Period (IAP), MIT.nano will offer the class, "nanoStories: Workshop on science communication at the nanoscale." Guided by instructors, in each two-hour class students will explore a new topic, jointly developing an instructional narrative to be told in text, video, and/or interactive multimedia. Outside of MIT labs, nanoscience and nanotechnology appear mysterious. Help us demystify them!

Registration deadline: January 3, 2022. Open to MIT community, limited to 60 participants. To receive course credit (optional), register for 6.S090 (U, 6-units).