Facility Updates

Gas monitoring system sensors replaced

Routine maintenance tasks are being completed at MIT.nano before the lab ramp-up, including replacing sensors in the gas monitoring system.

Preparing Garments for Fab 12 and Fab 39

Garments for both Fab 12 and Fab 39 are being readied for users to return. Gowns will not be shared and will be sent out for laundry every week.

MIT.nano user meeting: The path to reopening

MIT.nano staff presented a user update on May 21, 2020 to discuss the current state of the labs, cleanroom, and equipment; ongoing work; equipment updates; and how the team plans to ramp up following the COVID-19 shutdown.

MIT.nano Tool Talk with Attolight

Christian Monachon, head of applications and product manager of analytical tools at Attolight AG, gave the May MIT.nano tool talk on Cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy for advanced semiconductor science. Watch the video.

MIT.nano joins MIT's efforts to donate PPE to the fight against COVID-19

Like many of our colleagues at MIT and across the Boston area, we believe it's a shared responsibility to support medical personnel in the COVID-19 fight. MIT.nano is proud to contribute by donating nitrile gloves, shoe covers, Tyvek gear, aprons, safety glasses, & face shields.