Dektak 150 Profilerometer Moves to MIT.nano The Dektak 150 profilerometer was moved into the soft lithography space at MIT.nano. October 2, 2019
Installation of the Anneal Tube The anneal tube has been moved over to MIT.nano and is ready for testing after installation of gas, exhaust, and power. October 2, 2019
Preparing for the Sputtering Tool The AJA sputter tool is being moved into the MIT.nano cleanroom, going right next to the AJA evaporator. October 1, 2019
Setting up the "Metrology Wall" A rail for power, data, nitrogen/air/vacuum where tables and table-top metrology instruments (e.g. for film thickness measurement) can be placed. September 14, 2019
Evaporator Hookup and Cryo Pump Installation The AJA evaporator hook-up is nearing completion and the cryo pump has been installed. September 13, 2019
Tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope Positioned at MIT.nano The tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was moved in and positioned on September 5. Now, a few days later, the NeoSEM's pump and exhaust are connected in the chase. September 9, 2019
Soft-Lithography Room Asher Ready for Use The soft-lithography room asher has been moved, installed, tested and is ready to go at MIT.nano! August 26, 2019
Mask Aligner Moves to MIT.nano The EV620 (TRL EV1) mask aligner for the soft-lithography room was moved to MIT.nano last week. It has been installed, tested, and is now ready to go! August 23, 2019