Facility Updates

1/30 construction update

Starting on January 19 through February 4 access to the south side of Building 31 will be restricted due to installation of site utilities. The entrance to Building 16 at Eastman Court will be closed until February 1 due to installation of power cables.

1/16 construction update

Starting Monday, January 19 through Wednesday, February 4, access around the south side of Building 31 will be restricted due to installation of site utilities.

1/9 construction forecast

Due to the utility work at the south end of Buildings 17 and 31 vehicular access from Vassar Street has been restricted. Starting on January 19 through February 4 pedestrian access will be restricted around the south side of Building 31.

12/24 construction forecast

Please note that on Sunday, January 4 the parking gate at the driveway between Buildings 35 and 37 will be relocated to the driveway between Buildings 9 and 13. All remaining authorized Main Lot permit holders, maintenance and delivery vehicles should enter and exit the Main Lot via the Building 9 driveway on Mass Ave.

11/21 construction forecast

Construction trailers has been placed in Main Lot. Installation of 8" fire protection main is being installed in the President's Courtyard next to Building 13. Signage to discourage bike riding is being installed around the site.

11/3 construction forecast

Utility work between Buildings 5 and 7 will continue over the next 2 to 3 weeks. Work associated with this activity will be noisy at times due to vehicle back-up alarms and saw cutting for form work and general carpentry.

10/17 construction forecast

Additional viewing windows will be installed in the site perimeter fence based on requests from MIT community. The installation of new fire protection line in work zone H is projected to start the week of 11/10/14.

10/3 construction forecast

Over the next few weeks viewing windows will be installed in Building 13. Existing lighting along the north colonnade in Building 13 has been repaired. Some unexpected conditions require temporary detour of pedestrian traffic around Building 26.

9/29 construction forecast

Building 13 perimeter site fence: Viewing windows will be installed over the next 2 weeks. Existing lighting along the north colonnade will be repaired. Pedestrian safety: Convex mirrors have been installed at blind corners of walkway and at crossing at buildings 9 and 13. Installation of signage to discourage bike riding through perimeter walkways will be installed.

9/22 construction forecast

Vassar Street road work: In the next 2 to 3 weeks, Vassar Street construction will resume along with a detour for vehicle traffic.