Facility Updates

Fab 24-hour access & operations update

This MIT.nano facilities update provides information on 24-hour fab access, safety reminders, trainings, building access, and an upcoming Fab-39 electrical shutdown.

Fab 39 will be closed July 7–9

To help with humidity control in Fab 39, MIT facilities will replace a condenser and connect it to two repaired compressors on July 7–9, 2020.

Tentative timeline and next steps for users

This update contains helpful pointers on our tentative timeline and next steps for 24-hour users, hands-on tool trainings, new users, and Fab 12 wet benches and lithography.

New gowning area and locker protocols

New procedures are now in place to help keep everyone safe and to ensure gowns are available. All users must follow these steps for booking gowning area space and indicating locker usage.

Raith VELION arrives at MIT.nano

The Raith VELION FIB-SEM tool has arrived at MIT.nano. VELION offers unique capabilities for advanced FIB nanofabrication while also allowing sample preparation, process control, and entry level e-beam lithography—all in one tool!

June user update: New procedures during COVID-19 operations

MIT.nano staff held a user meeting on June 17, 2020 to provide updates on facility operations during COVID-19. The purpose of the meeting was to review procedures, timelines, and paths for getting back into the lab; and how those fit within the broader ramp-up logistics of MIT.

HMDS oven arrives at MIT.nano

The new HMDS oven, for preparing samples prior to photoresist coating, has arrived at MIT.nano and, after we put it on a table, will be ready for installation later this summer.