Facility Updates

Fab-12 gowning area update

There is now a PC in the Fab-12 gowning area to use to run CORAL. Please remember to follow new gowning hanger guidelines and do not put your garments in the hamper.

Extended fab hours begin July 27

As MIT approaches phase 2 of the research ramp-up, Fab-12 and Fab-39 will be returning to the full pre-COVID schedule of operation starting on Monday, July 27, 2020.

Reminders about new gowning procedures

As we enter week 5 of the MIT.nano ramp-up, our technical team is evaluating how the new gowning procedures have been working out, and what we can do to improve them.

Next user meeting July 22

The next MIT.nano user meeting will be Wednesday July 22. Agenda items include tool specific timelines, updates on new installations, and an open forum for discussion on how things are going since MIT.nano reopened last month.

Fab 24-hour access & operations update

This MIT.nano facilities update provides information on 24-hour fab access, safety reminders, trainings, building access, and an upcoming Fab-39 electrical shutdown.

Fab 39 will be closed July 7–9

To help with humidity control in Fab 39, MIT facilities will replace a condenser and connect it to two repaired compressors on July 7–9, 2020.

Tentative timeline and next steps for users

This update contains helpful pointers on our tentative timeline and next steps for 24-hour users, hands-on tool trainings, new users, and Fab 12 wet benches and lithography.