Facility Updates

Plan ahead for MIT December holidays

If you will be on campus during the holidays and have sufficient cleanroom experience, we strongly encourage you to sign up for 24-hour access. Learn more in this update.

Bldg. 12 card reader upgrade

This week, IS&T upgraded the server hardware and the card readers in Building 12. The new system is similar to all other buildings on campus.

Thanksgiving holiday hours

MIT will be closed on Thursday, 11/26 and Friday, 11/27 for the Thanksgiving Day holiday. As usual during Institute holidays, the fabs in building 39 and building 12 will not be staffed, so they will be only open to qualified 24hr users who must follow the buddy policies in each fab.

Zeiss Gemini 450 SEM available for training

We are excited to announce that the Gemini 450 SEM, field emission scanning electron microscope from Zeiss, is now available for training at Characterization.nano! Read more about the tool and sign up for training in this update.

Fab 39 Mechanical Week Nov. 16–20

Mechanical week in Building 39 is November 16 – 20, 2020

There will be no access to the fabs in Bldg. 39 during this time. The fabs in Bldg. 12 will be open as usual.

Spinner-EBL ready in Fab-12

Next week, we will start training users for the EBL (HSQ and PMMA) spinner in Fab-12 (B-12 / Litho / Spinner-EBL in Coral). We configured and tested the system this week with a beta-user, which helped us identify a few final improvements.

Launching the NanoScribe GT2

The NanoScribe installation was successfully completed this week!  Over the next 3 weeks, ramp-up runs will be done by Prof. Portela’s lab and an SOP is under development. Read more in this update.

Next user meeting—Dec. 2

MIT.nano staff will provide updates on new Characterization.nano tools installed this fall, and on photoresists and litho processes in Fab-12, as well as the Phase-2 construction outlook at the next user meeting on December 2.

Update! Simplified gowning procedures

With MIT now in research ramp-up phase 3, the need to convey gowning storage has been reduced and the addition of Akrobins in TRL as a “storage overflow” has helped us ease storage constraints. With these changes and based on the user feedback, MIT.nano staff have decided that we can simplify our procedures significantly to reduce concerns, user stress, and confusion.